Friday, July 10, 2009

Millennial Generation: Take Care of Baby Boomers' and Gen X's Messes NOW!!!!

By Paul K. Haeder
Paul Hawken's commencement speech two months ago in May, 2009, has been posted by many bloggers and web sites. He gives a sense of hope to the millennial generation -- and that hope is frought with challenges and a great leap forward in imagination and developing new social and infra structures to move along. Hawken's big issue is grassroots work, and community work, and he knows the financial challenges youth have now embarking on new careers and new studies. We will have to be asymetrical about this entire engagement called our future, including how we view the youth today and their ability to overcome broken earth systems.
So, read, comment, and breathe in some of that hope. It's a commencement address, so it's got to be electric or platitude ridden. But it is an engaging speech, and pie in the sky is better than humble pie any day.

Paul Hawken is a renowned entrepreneur, visionary environmental activist, and author of many books, most recently "Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being" and "Why No One Saw It Coming."

He was presented with an honorary doctorate of humane letters by University president Father Bill Beauchamp, C.S.C., in May, when he delivered this speech.

“The Earth is hiring..."

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