We talked Copenhagen, Scott Brown and what that election means to environmental and climate crisis thinking, Haiti and earthquakes and the redistribution of ice into the sea as water now a possible cause of tectonic plate shifts, clean coal, Maria Cantwell's CLEAR Act, the alternative climate change bill, and what challenges the climate crisis fields have with more and more delusional thinking. Ge also talked about Geo Engineering, Techno-fixing, the next technological solution. See tomorrow's blog on that. He was hopeful, though, that there is really change about to happen, or at least some push back now from the experts who won't back down on these silly theories about global warming as a hoax. It's no longer censoirng James Hansen, no longer climate change denial in the White Hourse, but there is just as much work to do now than ever.
For Washington's Senator's legislation, with Sue Collins of Vermont, check out the bill's language:
We tussled a bit on NF3, the gas used to clean semi-conductors and solar panel PV film material. 17,000 times more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2.
July 08, 2008 by Margot Roosevelt, LA Times Staff Writer
We tussled a bit on NF3, the gas used to clean semi-conductors and solar panel PV film material. 17,000 times more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2.
Mike Tidwell is founder and director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, a grassroots nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness about the impacts and solutions associated with global warming in Maryland, Virginia, and DC. He is also an author and filmmaker who predicted in vivid detail the Katrina hurricane disaster in his 2003 book Bayou Farewell: The Rich Life and Tragic Death of Louisiana’s Cajun Coast. His newest book, focusing on Katrina and global warming, is titled The Ravaging Tide: Strange Weather, Future Katrinas, and the Coming Death of America’s Coastal Cities. Tidwell’s most recent documentary film, We Are All Smith Islanders, vividly depicts the dangers of global warming Maryland, Virginia, and D.C.
Check out these stories:
And check this out at the following address:
Dr Margaret Lillian is an independent science journalist specializing in global trends. More information on the effects of global warming plus a Free Report ’5 Crucial Secrets About Global Warming’ and newsletter is available at her website at
As reported only this year, Harvard seismologist Göran Ekström has found a striking increase in the frequency of glacial quakes, particularly in Greenland, but also in Alaska and Antarctica.
Greenland quakes have risen from 6 to 15 a year between 1993 and 2002, to 30 in 2003, 23 in 2004 and 32 in the first 10 months of 2005, closely matching the rise in Greenland’s temperatures over the same period. Their source was traced to surges and slips within ice sheets, where rapid melting is causing water to collect under glaciers, making them glide faster into the sea, triggering quakes.Similarly, retreating glaciers in southern Alaska are likely to open the way for future earthquake activity.
Accelerated melting of glacial ice decreases the load on the Earth’s crust, thereby decreasing the pressure holding volcanic conduits closed. Already, we are seeing evidence of new volcanic activity in Antarctica. A new, previously unknown volcano has appeared on the sea bottom in waters off the Antarctic Peninsula, in an area with no previous record of volcanic activity.
Investigations into a large area of surface slumping on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet revealed a huge accumulation of water underneath that has now been shown to be due to an active volcano erupting under the sheet.Glacial melting has a less direct but just as unsettling additional impact on global seismic activity. The reliquified water released raises sea levels and increases the weight on the ocean floor, unbalancing tectonic forces deep below the surface. Underwater quakes and therefore tsunamis could thus become more frequent. Though they get little attention, glacial melting of the Antarctic ice is already causing earthquakes and underwater landslides.
And check this out at the following address:
Dr Margaret Lillian is an independent science journalist specializing in global trends. More information on the effects of global warming plus a Free Report ’5 Crucial Secrets About Global Warming’ and newsletter is available at her website at
As reported only this year, Harvard seismologist Göran Ekström has found a striking increase in the frequency of glacial quakes, particularly in Greenland, but also in Alaska and Antarctica.
Greenland quakes have risen from 6 to 15 a year between 1993 and 2002, to 30 in 2003, 23 in 2004 and 32 in the first 10 months of 2005, closely matching the rise in Greenland’s temperatures over the same period. Their source was traced to surges and slips within ice sheets, where rapid melting is causing water to collect under glaciers, making them glide faster into the sea, triggering quakes.Similarly, retreating glaciers in southern Alaska are likely to open the way for future earthquake activity.
Accelerated melting of glacial ice decreases the load on the Earth’s crust, thereby decreasing the pressure holding volcanic conduits closed. Already, we are seeing evidence of new volcanic activity in Antarctica. A new, previously unknown volcano has appeared on the sea bottom in waters off the Antarctic Peninsula, in an area with no previous record of volcanic activity.
Investigations into a large area of surface slumping on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet revealed a huge accumulation of water underneath that has now been shown to be due to an active volcano erupting under the sheet.Glacial melting has a less direct but just as unsettling additional impact on global seismic activity. The reliquified water released raises sea levels and increases the weight on the ocean floor, unbalancing tectonic forces deep below the surface. Underwater quakes and therefore tsunamis could thus become more frequent. Though they get little attention, glacial melting of the Antarctic ice is already causing earthquakes and underwater landslides.
And back to a previous PacifiCAD blog post:
NF3 is not the NFL's secret weapon:
"A climate threat from TVs, chips"
July 08, 2008 by Margot Roosevelt, LA Times Staff Writer
A synthetic chemical widely used in the manufacture of computers and flat-screen televisions is a potent greenhouse gas, with 17,000 times the global warming effect of carbon dioxide, but its measure in the atmosphere has never been taken, nor is it regulated by international treaty.
The chemical, nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), could be considered the "missing greenhouse gas," atmospheric chemists Michael J. Prather and Juno Hsu of UC Irvine wrote in a paper released June 26 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. "With the surge in flat-panel displays, the market for NF3 has exploded.
The chemical, nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), could be considered the "missing greenhouse gas," atmospheric chemists Michael J. Prather and Juno Hsu of UC Irvine wrote in a paper released June 26 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. "With the surge in flat-panel displays, the market for NF3 has exploded.
Finally, less than 3,300 tigers in the world, in the wild, left, and 1/4 are in India, in the low lands, marshes, and one foot of sea level rise will wipe them out because their retreat zone is a matrix of dense villages and cities.
Cat Tales in Spokane is about to have a tiger give birth to two, in April. We will keep you updated on that.
According to WWF -- "Experts estimate there are as few as 3,200 tigers left in the wild, due to poaching, the loss of their habitat and depletion of the tiger’s natural prey. Hunters, traders and poor local residents use the forest for subsistence, directly competing with the tiger. Some of the largest remaining areas where tigers occur are the mangrove forests of India. The projected rise in sea levels could cause these living spaces of the tiger to vanish altogether."
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