But you all can live stream the show, Wed. Feb. 3, 3-4 and then Feb. 5 rebroadcast 6 a.m.
Earth Beat Radio is on KYRS and dozens of other stations nationwide -- KYRS.ORG. Thursdays, 6 a.m.
Here's the blurb from the web
Since 2003, Earthbeat's co-hosts Daphne Wysham and Mike Tidwell bring you an hour of ground-breaking environmental news and interviews live from the nation's capital. Earthbeat Radio features leading environmental activists and thinkers -- the politics and the people behind the efforts to defend the planet.Focusing on a different theme each week, the hour is devoted to an in-depth conversation with a distinctly pro-environment view. Climate change now dominates the daily news and Earthbeat brings our hosts' decades of experience directly to our audience. News makers in environmental justice, climate science, international trade, and other crucial topics join our hosts each week for fascinating, insightful, and informative talk radio.
We have some real serious issues in climate change. This blog has broached many, and many can't be dealt with superficially. However, the Obama State of the Union address has some telling after effects. I was on my way to talk to and listen to Wim Weiwel, Portland State University's president and sustainability proponent. I listened to the speech on radio, in my vehicle. Obama barely mentioned climate change, and I heard that chortling from the big what, unholy crowd of mostly deniers, delayers and downright ill-informed law makers?
I won't armchair quarterback here, and say what I would have said as President after hearing dozens of uneducated folk on one side of the aisle sound like idiots.
The bottom line is that those same lawmakers thrown money at DoD and NSA, our military industrial complex. With those billions thrown into defense and homeland security, some hundreds of millions of dollars annually are allocated toward security and climate change, ice shelf recession and global insecurity, strategic policy on environmental refugees CAUSED by climate change; the military's response to global warming. These are admirals and generals and their wonks studying the arctic ice melting. These folk are looking at Africa and other nations where climate change has already hit in the form of lack of rain, melted glaciers, vector-borne diseases increasing, water, water, water, food, food, food. Rising sea levels, crop failure, resource mal-distribution, mud, hurricanes, salty fresh water supplies. The list is too big for a blog, but the lawmakers last Wed. hooted and booed while the term "climate change" was spoken by this middle of the road president. Absolutely appalling, my students think. And Why?
Here's a big report, again, paid for by our taxes. Conservative, slow to respond security agencies and military experts, and they somehow are misinformed?
Or the Pew Center on Climate Change -- now there's a wacky group (NOT):
Or go to the Brookings Institute --
Campbell, K.M. (ed.) Climatic Cataclysm: The Foreign Policy and National Security Implications of Climate Change, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, 2008.
The point is that my college students, the community I work in -- Spokane -- and the state I reside in -- Washington -- are ramping up the position that our political leaders are caricatures of something too bizarre to go into here. The American Psychological Association is now weighing in on what is it about our human brains (some of ours) that don't grasp climate change and the realities of time that is not that far off, nor are the predicted changes that abstract.
We need real people in Washington, and we need state universities and some private ones to start playing a bigger role in government, and not just on sustainability and climate change.
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