LIVE event --
And, Richard Feely is on Tipping Points: Voices from the Edge, Wed. April 28, 3-4 and rebroadcast 6 a.m. Friday.
92.3 FM
May 4, 2010, 7 p.m. Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem! Dr. Richard Feely (www.pmel.noaa.gov/co2/personnel/feely.html) NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
This lecture is free and open to the public.Location: SCC Lair Auditorium, Building 6, Spokane Community College
Note -- Oceans are being studied intensely these days in various arenas and from various camps. Collapsing fisheries because of over-harvesting is just one huge multi-disciplinary realm of study looking into humanity's over-consumption and over-

And, Richard Feely is on Tipping Points: Voices from the Edge, Wed. April 28, 3-4 and rebroadcast 6 a.m. Friday.
92.3 FM
May 4, 2010, 7 p.m. Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem! Dr. Richard Feely (www.pmel.noaa.gov/co2/personnel/feely.html) NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
This lecture is free and open to the public.Location: SCC Lair Auditorium, Building 6, Spokane Community College
Note -- Oceans are being studied intensely these days in various arenas and from various camps. Collapsing fisheries because of over-harvesting is just one huge multi-disciplinary realm of study looking into humanity's over-consumption and over-

capacity. Way too many sophisticated vessels with high-tech gear rampaging through fisheries and bringing some to near collapse, that's an obvious cause. Some experts say without laws and tough mitigation efforts, the world's ocean fisheries could be near collapse by 2040.
Forget about oceans rising. The president of the Maldives and others looking at island nations' futures are greatly concerned about the impact of ice melt and thermal expansion on their cultures' and nations' futures. Mohammed Nasheed held an underwater summit last year to bring attention to ocean rising tied to climate change and anthropomorphic causation.

Forget about oceans rising. The president of the Maldives and others looking at island nations' futures are greatly concerned about the impact of ice melt and thermal expansion on their cultures' and nations' futures. Mohammed Nasheed held an underwater summit last year to bring attention to ocean rising tied to climate change and anthropomorphic causation.

What we put in, take out and do to the edge of the oceans is one heuristic that Wallace Nichols, a turtle researcher and Bioneer, looks at in terms of human impact on the oceans. Turtles are emblematic of a lot that is wrong with our consumption patterns tied to the seas.
The giant garbage patch, Pacific gyre? Lots of research on plastics effecting the food chain -- a plastic swirling garbage vortex bigger than he size of Texas? Sea birds dying because of consumption of colorful plastic bits. Captain Charles Moore is working on publicizing our plastic addiction and the connection to collapsing marine systems. What does the plastic in fish flesh do to humans after we as apex predators eat the stuff? Chris Jordan the photographer is also working on plastic's effects on animals, the oceans, us.

Ocean acidification? What is the other CO2 problem? Well, NOAA's Richard Freely is being interviewed by me Wed. April 28 and is in Spokane May 4 for a talk. Students and citizens alike need to know these ocean issues, need to know the implications of poor policy decisions, need to know the global impact of consumption and industrial waste and aqua-farming and all those other attendant issues we share as a global culture of 6.7 billion competing and hungry people.
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