School started last week, earlier and this week and Monday, depending where you are. School, that is -- community colleges and universities. That's a whole other series of blogs: gutting education at the various state levels; attacks on science; BP writing science curriculum.; attacks on tenure; more dumb downed standardized teaching; no critical thinking skills allowed, etc. Washington now says cut 7 to 10 percent wherever. Washington State, that is. Just came out Sept. 14, 2010 -- while the governor was on a "trade" junket to Asia. Whew, contradictions there.
Students, young and not so young, have to stand up and resist this.
They need leaders in the business community. Just talked to one tonight, and she said, "Boy I am glad I am almost 62 and don't have to think about all the sh-- hitting the fan these young people are going to face." Yeah, great leadership, great articulation. She is a so-called leader in the sustainability and LEED building movements locally.
Students also need to learn the tools of the trade to disobey illegal orders and unethical laws, mostly tied to the lobbyists, to corporations. Even that lady's attitude has to be called to task, and forcefully. So, the tuition hikes are already in place in California, fewer low income people will go to college, and college then will be a place for elite kids. Classes are being cut and students are coming out with $60,000 debts with a degree our leading industries and captains of greed think are worthless. They want no humanities, no history, sociology, literature, art, anything to do with thinking and writing and debating their retrograde money-loving mindsets.
And the answer isn't the snake oil of private colleges like U of Phoenix or Cappella.
The answer is full on free education for Americans, of all stripes. The only way they, the students, get to that point, is through disobedience and training. Climate change is screwing them and their offspring, so what better way to learn than to join a group working on climate change and disobeying the benefactors of corporate corruption.
Ahh, sounds so easy. After this quick piece and call to action from Climate Action Camps 2010, through, www.beyondtalk.net, look at the numbers for Washington State --tax formulae for gouging the middle class and letting the rich skate on their own personal ice rinks.

Come learn how peaceful civil disobedience can help defend our climate at the Greenpeace Climate Action Camps in Toronto, Montreal and the Edmonton Area. If we don’t act, millions will suffer.
Each camp will be an intensive three-day training session to help prepare participants to gain grassroots organizing skills, and training in Non-Violent Direct Action (NVDA) to stop the growing climate crisis.
Participants will be trained on the following topics:
• Climate change & climate justice
• History of civil disobedience
• Environmental justice and anti-oppression
• Non-Violent Direct Action (NVDA) theory and practice
• Action planning and decision-making,
• Affinity groups
• Campaign planning and powermapping
• Working with the media
• Know your rights, legal briefing
At the camp you will meet other participants ready to take action. The training will be provided by experienced grassroots organizers, and NVDA trainers, and will be open to those who have previously done activism, NVDA and/or Civil Disobedience, or have little or no experience but want to learn more!
We’ll be learning how to plan and implement activities that will RAISE THE ALARM ABOUT THE GROWING CLIMATE CRISIS. Whether you’re joining as an individual or part of a group, this camp affords an opportunity to meet and join others wanting to get active on climate change and create just and healthy communities for the future.
So what are you waiting for?!
Contact: Eryn
for more info about how to register in your area…
•TORONTO – June 4-6 DONE! and it rocked
•EDMONTON AREA – September 24-26 APPLICATION HERE! Due Sept. 20 at Midnight MST
•MONTREAL (Bilingual) – October 15-17 Application coming soon

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