Thursday, January 14, 2010

Education -- The Key to Autodesk, PacifiCAD, 21st Century's Youth

As part of my mission as a teacher, writer, blogger, community activist, climate change commentator, radio show guy, and Earth Day 2010 Spokane coordinator, I believe we need to work on education NOW.

Here's the latest commentary:

College, the Last Refuge

Just when more people want to attend college, state governments are slicing higher-education budgets

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed — that’s what we community college teachers expect after all the tra-la-la and merrymaking of the holiday and New Year’s break.

Unfortunately, that’s not what we’re seeing. Our students are a microcosm of American culture — and we just don’t know how to resist, or fight back anymore, according to clinical psychologist Bruce E. Levine in his book, Surviving America’s Depression Epidemic. He suggests that students accept enslaving debt and bureaucratic domination because they see college and university education as a badge “of compliance for corporate employers.”

....continue reading it at:

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